…is the first production of Possible World 2009/10

in cooperation with the Centre for Special Education for the "Ernst-Adolf-Eschke-Schule für Gehörlose" in Berlin

und dem Ballhaus Ost, Berlin


Sponsored by:

Aktion Mensch

Capital City Cultural Fonds  



> Press

A theatre play with deaf, hard of hearing and hearing teenagers and actors for deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people. "Sign language, spoken language, music, note boards, videos, live cams, a a self-drawn animation film, messages on body parts - add up to a magical whole. The suggestive dance of hands and picture win over the pure text content presentation." TAZ Berlin, 21.7.2009


Rehearsal Photos

The work with the teenagers began in November of 2008 with a casting.  First, we developed a theatre training, conveyed the basic techniques of acting and experimented. In spring of 2009 we began working on the play. „Autobiographical interwoven into our text and our text transformed in sign poetry“. 


The world of hearing, the world of tactics and visuality collide. What is natural to us – communication using speech - becomes strangely alien. Over 90% of the young people come from families with a migration background.

In order to develop the conflicts of the play - the first cautious approaches to the other sex – documentary video sequences based on the experience of the youth were integrated. These sequences show the young people as well as their family background, in order to give the viewer insight into an almost completely hidden world. 

"Communication beyond the learned paths, verbal language no longer works, writing, looking, signing, work in progress ... We play together - Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people.“



with MELCHIOR Can-Ahmet Acar, Dusan Vujicic / WENDLA Hend El-Kadi, Yasemin Akan / MARTHA Rukiye Chelik, Simone Jaeger / ILSE Asya Avagynan, Cordula Zielonka, Melek Güllu / MORITZ Ali Haydar Erdogan, Frank Weigang / QUEEN Inara Ilyasova / KING Nicola Vujicic / MOTHER Snezana Vujicic, Alward Hovsepan / FATHER Peter Marty, Radomir Vujicic / MING Trung duc Nguyen / MANG Van Quoc Thai


DIRECTOR Michaela Caspar / DEAF PEOPLE EDUCATION Dieter Becher / MUSIC Achim Kubinski / STAGE Burkhart Ellinghaus / COSTUME Petra Kubinski / VIDEO Jens Kupsch / DRAMATURGY Till Nikolaus von Heiseler / KOORDINATION Ana Stanic


Preview Performances

Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

9 July 2009 at 20 h

10 July 2009 at 11 h 

10 July 2009 at 20 h



Ballhaus Ost, Berlin (all shows sold out)

6 October 2009 at 19 h, public main rehearsal

7 October 2009 at 20 h, PREMIERE

8 October 2009 at 20 h

9 October 2009 at 20 h

5 February 2010 at 20 h

6 February 2010 at 20 h

7 February 2010 at 20 h

3 March 2010 at 18 h

30 September 2010 at 11 h

1 October 2010 at 20 h

2. Oktober 2010 at 20 h 


Staatstheaters BraunschweigKleines Haus

16 January 2010 at 19:30 h


Staatstheater CottbusKammerbühne

10 February 2010 at 19 h


Podewil, Berlin

25 October 2010 at 19:30 h


Invitations and guest performances

Theater des Augenblicks, Wien Im Rahmen des 12. internationalen ABROS Gehörlosentheaterfestivals 2011


15. Festival Otevreno Pohybove Divadlo a Pantomime, Kolin, CZ

16 -18 April 2010 Ausschnitte aus „Frühling Erwache!”


7. Berliner Gebärdensprachfestival 2010

24 September 2010 at 17 h


NOMINATIONS Theatertreffen der Jugend Berlin ・Bundeskulturministerium, Preis Kulturelle Bildung 2010


The production was sponsored by:


> press

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